Bad Credit Car Loans Courtenay, British Columbia, Auto Loans Courtenay, British Columbia, Courtenay KiaCourtenay Kia Credit Centre

Credit problems? Have you been turned down for a car loan?

We can help get you approved for a car loan regardless of your credit history.

At Courtenay Kia we have experience getting people approved:

  • Write Offs and Closed Accounts
  • No Credit
  • History of Bad Credit
  • Multiple Collections
  • Consumer Proposal
  • Previous Bankruptcy
  • New to Canada with No Credit
  • Previous Repossession
  • Student Loans in Arrears
  • Missed Credit Card and Loan Payments

The two most basic requirements are the confirmation of identity and income, i.e. valid identification and employment details.

At times our lenders will ask for a co-signor if they see gaps in affordability or credit. However, we exhaust all avenues before suggesting a co-signor.

Absolutely! Our network of lenders includes several that help people get reliable vehicles and begin rebuilding their credit while they are still completing their payments to their Trustee.

Absolutely! We offer low rate financing to people with no previous credit history.

Absolutely! We specialize in every type of credit situation and help our customers to rebuild their credit and get reliable vehicles.

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    IMPORTANT: You can easily remove your consent at any time!